Our VT specialists must evaluate the demands and quantities of people in all structures, whether normal or super-tall. In a residential building, for example, in addition to people, furniture mobility, freight delivery, and security must be considered.

The Vertical Transportation plan is essential for a large building’s success. Lifts take significant area and so impact the quantity of lettable space in the building. Additionally, adequate elevator capacity must be available to run the building. It is especially important for buildings that are tall and thin, and also mixed-use complexes.


      • Full Design Assessments (including Traffic Analysis for elevators)
      • Complete Report on Systems
      • Detailed Layout & Technical Information
      • Full Performance & Technical Specifications
      • Contract Tender & Finalization
      • Full Contract Administration
      • Shop Drawing Review
      • Peer Review


  • Inspection services for vertical transport services and access to façades.
  • Construction Supervision Elevator Inspections
  • Shop Drawing and RFI Review
  • Material Delivery & Installation Inspections
  • Elevator Installation inspections during the programmed construction period
  • DLP Period Inspections



Our services will be performed from office building Vertical transportation systems passenger demands for transportation with the handling capacity of the installed lifts, Escalators and travellators system.


Our services will be performed from hospital building Vertical transportation systems before finalising a design. Factors to be considered include numbers of staff and shift patterns, numbers of visitors and visiting hours, location of theatres, X-ray, etc., distribution and deliveries of food, beverages, housekeeping supplies. The estimation can be made by multiplying the number of beds by three, to allow for staff, visitors, etc.


Our services will be performed from Residential building Vertical transportation systems passenger demands for transportation with the estimation of the population in a residential building is usually based on the number of bedrooms and the Occupancy per bedroom. Suitable rules of thumb for the number of persons occupying a flat / apartments.


Our services will be performed from Hotel building Vertical transportation systems the important part in the circulation of guests and service staff in a hotel. Also, we have to check in order to accommodate luggage and provide guests with uncrowded and comfortable travel conditions.